Fee Structure
The VAT Practice believes in transparency in delivery of the services provided and this is reflected in our engagement process and fee structure. We believe that fees for all services should be evident and agreed prior to any work commencing. Fees are therefore confirmed in the engagement letter we issue to confirm agreement for, and delivery of, the services to be provided.
All agreed fees can be paid by direct debit/standing order. Fees for our Online Support Service and Interim Management service are settled on a monthly basis. For Advisory and Assurance services fees are settled in three tranches covering the period of the engagement.
For Advisory and Assurance services, our fees are determined by both the complexities of the issues involved, the input required by our specialists and the value of the project to the client though value has to also reflect the expertise required and, in some cases, the time cost required to deliver the service.
We will endeavour to keep our costs to a minimum and provide for value for money.